Thailand SMART Visa

The Thailand SMART Visa is a relatively new visa category introduced to attract highly skilled professionals, investors, executives, and entrepreneurs to support Thailand’s technological and economic development. Launched in 2018, the SMART Visa is part of Thailand’s efforts to position itself as a hub for innovation and to encourage the growth of targeted industries such as digital technology, biotechnology, robotics, and healthcare. Unlike other visa types, the SMART Visa offers a range of benefits, including a long-term stay of up to four years, exemption from the usual work permit requirement, and eligibility for dependents to work and study in Thailand.

This guide provides an in-depth look at the Thailand SMART Visa, including its eligibility criteria, application process, benefits, limitations, and the specific categories that qualify for the visa.

Purpose and Objectives of the SMART Visa Program

The SMART Visa is designed to align with Thailand’s Thailand 4.0 economic model, which focuses on transforming the country into a high-value, innovation-driven economy. The goal of the visa is to attract talent and expertise in industries that are critical to achieving this transformation. These industries are referred to as the 10 S-Curve industries and include high-tech sectors such as biotechnology, medical and healthcare technology, smart electronics, robotics, and digital industries.

The visa aims to:

  • Encourage foreign investment in Thailand’s targeted industries.
  • Attract highly skilled professionals to work in Thailand’s innovation-driven economy.
  • Facilitate startup growth and innovation by bringing in entrepreneurs and investors.
  • Support technology transfer and foster collaboration between Thai businesses and international experts.

Categories of the Thailand SMART Visa

The SMART Visa is divided into five main categories, each tailored to a specific type of applicant: T (Talent), I (Investor), E (Executive), S (Startup), and O (Other). Each category has its own eligibility requirements, benefits, and application process.

1. SMART T (Talent)

The SMART T Visa is intended for highly skilled professionals working in fields that are aligned with Thailand’s target industries. This category is aimed at attracting talent in fields such as biotechnology, digital technology, advanced engineering, and other high-tech sectors.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • The applicant must have expertise in one of the 10 targeted industries.
  • The applicant must have an employment contract with a company in Thailand that is involved in an eligible industry.
  • The employment contract must have a minimum term of one year.
  • The applicant must earn a minimum salary of 100,000 THB per month (approximately USD 3,000).


  • A four-year visa (depending on the length of the employment contract).
  • Exemption from the work permit requirement.
  • Dependents (spouse and children) can also reside in Thailand and are allowed to work or study without a separate work permit.

2. SMART I (Investor)

The SMART I Visa is for investors who are looking to invest in technology-based companies or startups in Thailand. This visa category supports the development of high-potential industries by encouraging foreign investment.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • The applicant must make a minimum investment of THB 20 million (approximately USD 570,000) in a company that operates in one of Thailand’s targeted industries.
  • The company receiving the investment must be engaged in innovation-driven activities in industries such as robotics, healthcare technology, or smart electronics.


  • A four-year visa (renewable).
  • Exemption from the work permit requirement.
  • The visa holder’s dependents (spouse and children) can also live, work, and study in Thailand without needing a separate work permit.

3. SMART E (Executive)

The SMART E Visa is designed for senior executives working in companies that operate in one of Thailand’s targeted industries. It is intended to attract business leaders with expertise in managing innovative and high-growth companies.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • The applicant must hold an executive position (such as CEO, managing director, or president) in a company operating in one of the targeted industries.
  • The company must be involved in innovation-driven activities and meet certain revenue or funding criteria.
  • The applicant must have a minimum monthly salary of 200,000 THB (approximately USD 6,000).
  • The applicant must have at least 10 years of work experience in a relevant field.


  • A four-year visa (renewable).
  • Exemption from the work permit requirement.
  • Dependents (spouse and children) are allowed to reside, work, and study in Thailand without separate work permits.

4. SMART S (Startup)

The SMART S Visa is for foreign entrepreneurs who are looking to establish startups in Thailand. This category is aimed at fostering innovation and the development of new businesses in high-tech and high-potential industries.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • The applicant must have a concrete business plan and be looking to set up a startup in one of Thailand’s targeted industries.
  • The startup must be registered in Thailand within one year of obtaining the visa.
  • The applicant must hold at least 25% ownership in the startup or be a director.
  • A minimum deposit of 600,000 THB (approximately USD 17,000) is required, with at least one-third of the deposit to be maintained in Thailand for the duration of the visa.
  • Health insurance coverage is required for the duration of the visa.


  • A one-year visa initially, which can be extended for up to four years once the startup is registered.
  • Exemption from the work permit requirement.
  • Dependents (spouse and children) can live, work, and study in Thailand without separate work permits.

5. SMART O (Other)

The SMART O Visa is intended for the dependents (spouse and children) of SMART Visa holders. This category allows family members to live, work, and study in Thailand without needing a separate visa or work permit.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • The applicant must be a spouse or dependent child (under 20 years old) of a SMART Visa holder in the T, I, E, or S categories.


  • The same benefits as the primary SMART Visa holder, including the ability to work and study in Thailand without needing a work permit.

Application Process for the SMART Visa

The application process for the SMART Visa involves multiple steps, including obtaining a qualification endorsement from the Board of Investment (BOI) before submitting the visa application to the Thai Immigration Bureau.

1. Qualification Endorsement

The first step is to apply for a qualification endorsement from the BOI to confirm that the applicant meets the eligibility criteria for the SMART Visa. This process involves submitting documentation that verifies the applicant’s qualifications, such as:

  • Proof of employment or investment in one of the targeted industries.
  • Employment contracts, business plans, or investment agreements.
  • Financial statements and evidence of salary or capital investment.

The endorsement process typically takes 30 working days, after which the applicant receives a qualification endorsement letter if they are approved.

2. Visa Application Submission

Once the qualification endorsement is obtained, the applicant can proceed to submit their visa application to the Thai Immigration Bureau or the Royal Thai Embassy/Consulate in their home country. The visa application must include:

  • The qualification endorsement letter from the BOI.
  • A valid passport.
  • Proof of health insurance (for certain visa categories).
  • Evidence of financial stability (for SMART S applicants).

The visa application process can take an additional 30-60 days, depending on the volume of applications and the specific embassy or consulate.

Benefits of the SMART Visa Program

The SMART Visa offers several unique benefits that distinguish it from other visa categories in Thailand, making it an attractive option for skilled professionals, investors, and entrepreneurs.

1. Work Permit Exemption

One of the most significant advantages of the SMART Visa is the exemption from the work permit requirement. Unlike other visa types that require a separate work permit to legally work in Thailand, SMART Visa holders can work without needing this additional documentation.

2. Long-Term Stay

SMART Visa holders can stay in Thailand for up to four years (depending on the category), which is longer than the standard one-year visas available in other categories. This allows professionals and investors to settle in Thailand and focus on their businesses without worrying about frequent renewals.

3. Work and Study Privileges for Dependents

Dependents of SMART Visa holders can live, work, and study in Thailand without needing separate work permits or visas. This makes the SMART Visa an attractive option for families looking to relocate to Thailand.

4. Streamlined Immigration Processes

SMART Visa holders benefit from a more streamlined immigration process, including fast-track services at airports, fewer reporting requirements, and simplified renewal procedures. For example, 90-day reporting can be done annually for SMART Visa holders instead of every 90 days, as required for other long-term visas.

Challenges and Considerations for the SMART Visa

While the SMART Visa offers many advantages, it also comes with certain challenges and considerations.

1. Strict Eligibility Requirements

The eligibility criteria for the SMART Visa are stringent, particularly in terms of salary thresholds, work experience, and investment amounts. For some applicants, meeting these criteria can be challenging, especially in the SMART I (Investor) and SMART E (Executive) categories, where the financial requirements are substantial.

2. Limited Industry Scope

The SMART Visa is limited to specific targeted industries, which may exclude professionals or investors working in sectors that do not align with the Thailand 4.0 strategy. Applicants must ensure that their industry qualifies before applying.

3. Qualification Endorsement Process

Obtaining the qualification endorsement from the BOI can be time-consuming, with a processing time of up to 30 working days. This endorsement is a critical step, and any delays or issues with documentation can prolong the visa application process.


The Thailand SMART Visa is an innovative and highly beneficial visa program designed to attract top talent, investors, and entrepreneurs to help drive Thailand’s economic development in high-tech and high-potential industries. With its wide range of benefits, including long-term stay, work permit exemption, and opportunities for dependents to work and study in Thailand, the SMART Visa offers a compelling option for skilled professionals and investors looking to contribute to Thailand’s growth.

However, potential applicants must carefully consider the eligibility requirements, industry limitations, and application processes before pursuing the SMART Visa. For those who meet the criteria, the SMART Visa represents an excellent opportunity to live and work in one of Southeast Asia’s most dynamic economies while contributing to Thailand’s technological and economic advancement.

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